Regeneration Taskforce Publishes Impact Report

31 Oct 2016

Today we publish the Regeneration Taskforce’s ‘Impact Report’ for 2015/16. This year was another one of great achievement for the regeneration work of the Trust – which included the re-launch of St Nicholas Chapel in King’s Lynn - and we have made a great deal of progress in starting to measure the impact our projects are having.

This report looks at both our own regeneration projects and those projects where we are advisors or consultants, along with a snapshot of our accumulated impact since the work of the Regeneration Taskforce began.

The report provides the strategic context for the Trust’s regeneration work and for the first time we have included our ‘logic model’ and ‘theory of change’. These help to frame the steps we take to creating successful projects and outline the range of impacts we are trying to achieve, not only for buildings but people and communities too. 

Regeneration Impact Report 2015/16


You can also follow the progress of our projects on the Regeneration Taskforce Twitter and Tumblr.