St Peter's Church, Everleigh, Wiltshire

Everleigh, Marlborough, Wiltshire, SN8 3EY
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Open daily
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One of the first churches with an iron frame

Built by John Morlidge of London for the Astley family in 1813 in the Gothic style, St Peter's was one of the first churches to be constructed with an iron frame.

The short chancel and narrow nave, the elegant west gallery and hammerbeam roof all emphasise its loftiness. The church retains many of its original fittings and has monuments to the Astley family, including an enormous tablet to Francis Dugdale Astley, founder of the church, who died in 1818. There is also a ring of six bells.

A free online audio guide to the church can be found here.

St Peter's church features in our Wiltshire Medieval Graffiti Tour on Google Earth. 

St Peter's costs £3221 a year to keep open to the public. Please support the church directly by texting the code EVH to 70970 to donate £5 or 70191 to donate £10