St Oswald's Church, Kirk Sandall, South Yorkshire

Kirk Sandall Old Village, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN3 1RA
How to find us | Access information
Opening times:
Access via local key holder; details available at the church. For further information please contact the Local Community Officer via email [email protected]
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A peaceful spot in a modern world

Though beset by canal, railway, cooling towers and industrial estate, St Oswald's, in its spacious and peaceful churchyard, still has great charm and interest. Saxon work is evident although the church is mainly Norman.

It has thirteenth-century arcades, a west window from the early fourteenth century and, finest of all, a sixteenth-century chapel with a notable monument to William Rokeby, once a rector at St Oswald's.

There are also some other memorials and some interesting glass and two beautifully carved screens.

This church costs £1332 a year to maintain. Please make a contribution towards it's upkeep at our donate page:

A contribution can also by made by texting "KIS" to 70970 to donate £5 or 70191 to donate £10.  Thank you.