St Mary's, Brighton
St Mary’s is located in a busy part of Brighton’s bustling Kemp Town but for many years community use of the building was limited. Despite the efforts of an active Parochial Church Council (PCC), the congregation was dwindling and the church was at risk of closure.
We helped the PCC with the project’s early stage consultations, business planning and options appraisals, helping find new and expanded uses for the building that would put it back at the heart of the community. Creative events and consultations helped to demonstrate the church was thinking anew about its role in the community, that it wanted to respond positively to the local community and would encourage them to get involved with shaping the future direction of St Mary’s. The PCC brought in new members and skills to support the project and has recently gained funding from the HLF for their first phase plans.
St Mary’s now hosts an exciting music and arts programme and is now a successful and growing church with a bright future.