Bells to ring out for Platinum Jubilee
For centuries church bells have sounded out across the British landscape in celebration of special occasions and in remembrance of events. Bell ringing goes back to early Christian times and would have been an integral part of village life, calling people to worship and marking time throughout the day. Many churches still ring on ancient bells, some of them dating back over 400 years.
CCT has partnered with The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers (CCCBR) to champion the art of bellringing and to offer taster sessions in CCT churches over the Jubilee weekend.
Vicki Chapman from CCCBR says: “The Central Council of Church Bell Ringers is excited that bells in some of the churches under the care of the CCT will be ringing as part of the celebrations of Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee. Bells are an integral part of celebration, and we are encouraging as many churches as possible to ring their bells to mark this momentous occasion. Also on offer at some of these events will be the opportunity for people to watch bellringing demonstrations, and maybe have a go as well. Some places will be providing tours of the tower and talks about the bells. Something for everyone to get involved in. If that piques an interest go to to find a teacher nearby.”
The aim of CCCBR is to advance the practice, heritage and appreciation of bell ringing and they are the representative body for all who ring bells in the English tradition with rope and wheel. Founded in 1891, the Council today represents 65 affiliated societies, which cover all parts of the British Isles as well as centres of ringing in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the USA, South Africa and Italy. These societies in turn comprise the members of the local companies of ringers in their areas.
Find out about ringing taster days and Jubilee activities here