Stay connected during lockdown

01 May 2020

Stay connected during lockdown

We are continuing to follow Government advice relating to Coronavirus (Covid-19), and all CCT churches currently remain closed. However, you can stay connected with CCT and learn something new from home.

Online resources

We have launched a new page on our website full of activities and resources for life in lockdown. Here you can find trivia, quizzes and craft activities as well as curriculum based online learning for both teachers and families. Find out more here.

Keep up to date

Sign up for our email newsletter and we will send you regular updates on news, conservation and our churches. Find out more here.

Our offices remain closed and staff will be working from home. We ask you not to post anything to us and use email for all correspondence during this time. You can still phone us on 0845 303 2760 where you will be directed to the relevant department.
The historic parish church has been witness to all the challenges that every generation has faced and they provide a beacon of hope in the most difficult of times. We look forward to welcoming visitors and communities back to our churches in the near future.