Key Arts Day at Quay Place
Last Sunday, Quay Place held a creative Key Arts Day - From Sunrise to Sunset, at St Mary-at-the-Quay church.
Twenty one artists took part, using a variety of media/own arts practices to explore the changing space within church and transition from St Mary at the Quay to Quay Place.
It was a cold day, but hot drinks and creativity was flowing. Contributions from Zoe Ruben (church scene with dog) Paul Vousden (stone tracery), Amanda Warren (aisle and porch), Valerie Irwin (nave), Annabel Mednick (south aisle and bell tower) and Charlotte Stewart (south aisle).

An exhibition of all the works is planned as part of the Quay Place launch programme this summer.
Keep and eye on the Quay Place facebook and website for more details of open days and launch plans.