Heritage Open Day at St Leonard's, Colchester

St Leonard-at-the-Hythe Church, Colchester, Essex
10th September 2022
St Leonard's At The Hythe
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Join the Friends of Colchester St Leonard for Heritage Open Days on the 10th and 11th of September.

A Grade II listed Church dating from the 14th Century, St Leonards bears traces of the Civil War and has some notable historic and artistic features.

The Medieval door of this old port church still bears the holes made by troops to put muskets through during the English Civil War. Over the nave is an elegant 16th-century hammerbeam roof and the north aisle roof is even older. The tower is fourteenth century and had to be repaired after the earthquake which struck the town on 22nd April 1884. The 18th- and 19th-century screens and furnishings, the (1901) mural decoration over the chancel arch creates a handsome and devotional interior. There are some remarkable stained glass windows in the nave depicting pictures of local and national saints.

Heritage Open Days: Church of St Leonard-at-the-Hythe - Heritage Open Day in Colchester, Colchester - Visit Colchester

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