Heritage Open Day 2024 in Burham

St Mary's Church, Burham, Kent
15th September 2024
Free Entry - Donations Welcome

Learn about St Mary's history and architecture

An illustrated 50 minute talk presented by The Friends of St Mary’s at the Church,

Old Church Lane, Burham, ME1 3XY Sunday, 15 September 2pm

St Mary's Church, Burham, Kent, is a 900 year old Norman church closed in the 1880s when the village moved 'up the Downs' because of the marshy area and local brickworks. The church is now in the care of the national charity, the Churches Conservation Trust, helped by the Friends of St Mary's, Burham. Hear this 50 minute illustrated talk previously very well received and learn of the Church's 900 years of history; its exceptional features; the recycling of materials from local Roman villas and a temple; its location on the Pilgrims Way and its part in pilgrims' crossings of the Medway on the way to Canterbury; and the legacies from parishioners' wills over the centuries.

Free entry. Refreshments available.

No toilets. Rough ground access

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