Festival of Carols - St Giles, Imber
St Giles' Church, Imber, Wiltshire
A programme of popular carols for audience participation and seasonal music provided by the Bratton Silver Band and the Westbury & District Choral Society.
The Festival will be held on Saturday 17th December commencing at 1430 hours (2.30 pm) Doors open 1330 hours (1.30 pm). Attendance is by Ticket only.
There will be a programme of popular carols for audience participation and seasonal music provided by the Bratton Silver Band and the Westbury & District Choral Society. Mulled wine and a mince pies will be offered on entry to the church.
The number of tickets available will be limited to 170. All ticket holders will be guaranteed an unreserved seat. The duration of the Festival will be a little over one hour. Please wear warm clothing as there is no heating in the church. We would ask that all those attending will have received the latest vaccination against Covid-19 and its variants.
Ticket application will be open from 10th until 17th November inclusive. In the event of over subscription, a ballot will be held. Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified by 1st December.
As in previous years a Routemaster Bus will operate from Warminster Rail Station, leaving at 1330 hours (1.30 pm) arriving at Imber approximately 1355 hours (1.55 pm). Details will be included with tickets sent out to successful applicants.