Commemorating the death of Thomas a Becket in Northampton
St Peter's Church, Northampton, Northamptonshire
Join Northampton's Becket Trail to commemorate the 850th anniversary of his death
22nd to 25th July 2020.
A series of activities will take place at locations in the town, synonymous with Becket's life, prior to returning to Canterbury, and his untimely death.
22-25 July. Looking Glass Theatre will be re-enacting the famous slaughter of this saint, at St Peter's. Details to be advised.
Wednesday 22 July - Medieval themed art and craft activities. 11.00 until 3.00 p.m
Saturday 25th July - A Talk - 'Digging the Saxon Hall' given by Andy Chapman, in conjunction with the Festival of Archaeology. The church is open at 12 noon, with the talk starting at 2.00 p.m.