Commemorating the death of Thomas a Becket in Northampton

St Peter's Church, Northampton, Northamptonshire
22nd July 2020 - 25th July 2020
Check times for each day
Some events free; some chargeable.
St. Peter's Church, Marefair, Northampton. NN1 1SR
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Join Northampton's Becket Trail to commemorate the 850th anniversary of his death

22nd to 25th July 2020.

A series of activities will take place at locations in the town, synonymous with Becket's life, prior to returning to Canterbury, and his untimely death.

22-25 July. Looking Glass Theatre will be re-enacting the famous slaughter of this saint, at St Peter's. Details to be advised.

Wednesday 22 July - Medieval themed art and craft activities. 11.00 until 3.00 p.m

Saturday 25th July - A Talk - 'Digging the Saxon Hall' given by Andy Chapman, in conjunction with the Festival of Archaeology. The church is open at 12 noon, with the talk starting at 2.00 p.m.


07522 792392

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