Cartographies - Solo at All Saints Church, Cambridge

All Saints' Church, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
22nd October 2022
10am to 5pm
The church of All Saints, Jesus Lane, Cambridge
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New electro-acoustic Assistant Professor in Composition at the Faculty of Music, Marta Gentilucci, presents an immersive sound installation.

Cartographies – Solo is one hour long sound installation. The visitor is invited to walk through the space and experience different listening perspectives, at any point of electronics projected by the eight loudspeakers, and for any duration.

The work originated from the collaboration between the composer Marta Gentilucci and the photograph Susan Meiselas. They spent some time together in Italy to witness and share the daily life and work of several women in their elderly age. They focused in particular on the women's hands to create a path that testifies to a rich and precious world whether it is the art of cooking, sewing, drawing or immersed in nature or in the crowd.

The one hour loop will run from 10am – 5pm, so you can drop in and experience the piece in its entirety throughout the day.  

Jamie Rycroft

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