BRICK Workshop - Bristol
St Paul's Church, Bristol, Bristol
Join us and the Prince's Regeneration Trust as we explore all aspects of finding new uses for historic churches, from theory to funding.
The workshop will cover the following topics:
- Historic Parish Churches: spaces for the 21st century
- New Design in Historic Churches
- Funding for historic church projects
The event will feature presentations, case studies, Q&A sessions, discussions on legal context for new and extended uses, asset mapping and funding options for your historic church projects, as well as core topics relevant to all heritage-led regeneration project. This event is also a fantastic networking opportunity for community groups and not-for-profit organisations.
Speakers include representatives of The Churches Conservation Trust, Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios, Purcell Architects, Inspired North East, Church of England, The Prince’s Regeneration Trust and more. Attendees will have the chance to discuss their projects and their options with heritage professionals during the day.
The early bird registration fee is only £19, including booking fees and VAT. Complimentary lunch & refreshments will be provided at the workshop. A number of travel bursaries of £25 per person are also available on application.
We encourage all community groups and those involved in heritage-led regeneration to take this opportunity to learn through BRICK. For more information, please visit our BRICKwork website.
As a part of registration you are required to complete a brief survey. Information gathered from this survey will help us tailor the BRICK programme to suit the training needs within the heritage regeneration sector and allow us to measure the effectiveness of the workshop as a requirement for our Heritage Lottery Fund grant funding. Click here to access the survey.
Please feel free to pass this on to colleagues or anyone who would be interested in this event. If you require any further information, please contact us at [email protected].