All Souls Day Halifax Service, 160 years Anniversary

All Souls' Church, Halifax Haley Hill, West Yorkshire
2nd November 2019

All Souls Halifax celebrates 160 years since the church was consecrated with a special service

Join us for a service, led by Reverend Canon Hilary Barber from Halifax Minster.

This is a special year because not only is it 160 years since this amazing church was built by George Gilbert Scott, and conscrated in it's first All Souls Day Service back in 1859 and we are using this special service as an opportunity for reflection on how much the area and society has changed since the Victorian industrial age.

There will be refreshments after and a chance to find out more about this beautiful church and it's history. Please come along and meet our dedicated team of volunteers.


Alison Pearce
07900 685 796

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