A Musical Evening - Lancaster
Church of St John the Evangelist, Lancaster, Lancashire
Sample Lancaster's lively musical scene at a special fundraising concert for the Stop The Rot campaign.
Join us for this rare opportunity to celebrate and enjoy Lancaster's lively and diverse musical life, as choirs and musicians come together for a special fundraising concert in aid of St John's, hosted by Lancaster Priory Church.
The Millennium Choir
A community choir which loves to perform music that challenges or surprises
Divers Voyces
A-Capella singing; madrigals, masses, motets, pre-modern music, and anything in between
The Gladly Solemn Sound
West Gallery Music; the energetic fuguing and harmonies of C18th and early C19th rural church music
The Lancaster Ensemble
A reflective collection of C16th anthems performed unaccompanied by a group of singers who have come together especially for tonight
Christopher Steele
A professional tenor based in Lancaster, who has performed leading roles in national and international companies
Ian Pattinson
Ian is Organist at Lancaster Priory, and has provided recitals at many churches and cathedrals
Andrew White
The distinguised historian of Lancaster will give a talk on the historical significance of the Church of St John the Evangelist.
Tickets £10 Adult, £5 U-16s - available in advance or on the door
All proceeds will support CCT's Stop The Rot campaign to carry out emergency preservation work at St John's.