140th Anniversary of the Akenham Burial Case
St Peter's Church, Claydon, Suffolk
Interested in history and churches? Join us for a tour.
Friday 24th August 2018
7pm GRAVEtalk, Barham Church Hall – have you thought about what happens when we ‘go’? What are your wishes? Why do we have a service? What is death? Burial or cremation? Come along and ask these BIG questions in a relaxed environment. FREE.
Saturday 25th August 2018
12noon Meet at St Peter’s Church, Claydon, for a walk to St Mary’s Church, Akenham (about 1 hour), following the route of Fr George Drury on the day the Burial Case exploded. Bring a picnic and some water. Hear some brief history of each Church and of the Burial Case and join in a very short act of worship at Fr George’s (Claydon) and Joseph’s Grave (Akenham). Slow walk back to Claydon for those that wish.
7pm An Evening with Roy Tricker (historian): The Akenham Burial Case. Barham Church. No charge, but donations towards the work of the CCT welcome.
Sunday 26th August 2018
10am Anniversary Communion Service, Barham Church with Guest Preacher Roy Tricker.