St Nicholas' Church, Feltwell, Norfolk

Hythe Road, Feltwell, Thetford, Norfolk. IP26 4AE
How to find us
Opening times:
Open daily 10-4pm.
  • Overview
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A strangely beautiful church

St Nicholas' is one of two churches in this large straggly village on the edge of the Fens. The massive Norman tower arch emphasises the church's early foundations. The church is as broad as it is long, like a meeting house. This impression is enhanced by the light pouring through clear glass windows.

The church is truncated at both ends - a chancel was demolished in 1862 and the west tower collapsed during repairs in 1898. The Tudor brick south porch and the tall Perpendicular clerestory windows, with striking flushwork panels between them on the south side, are evidence of later work. Three clappers remain from the tower bells.

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