St Mary's Church, Stocklinch Ottersey, Somerset

Owl St, Stocklinch Ottersey, Ilminster
| Access information
Opening times:
Open daily
  • Overview

A legend of love for a hilltop jewel

This beautiful hillside landmark made of golden Ham stone is an atmospheric gem. It stands close to an old water source, one of Somerset's many holy - or healing - wells.

St Mary's is tied to its sister church in the village, St Mary Magdalene, with an old legend of two sisters who both fell in love with a vicar, each building a church for him.

Highlights of the interior include a Norman font and wonderful tombs and monuments.

  • Access information
    St Mary's is accessed via a public footpath from Owl Street. There is limited parking but space for one or two cars on the side of the road.
  • Volunteering Opportunities
    We are actively looking for volunteers to help with fundraising for this church - if you can help, get in touch.
  • Community information
    Stocklinch Ottersey St Mary's Church Plan

    Click the link above to download a copy of the Church Plan which sets out the shared vision for the future of the church. This is a working document that will be updated on a regular basis. If you have any feedback or if you want to contact us about the church plan please drop us a line. When you write, please do give the name of the church, thank you!