Regeneration Project Manager
The Churches Conservation Trust is the national charity protecting historic churches at risk.
We are looking for a Project Manager to join our Regeneration team and help shape new futures for some of the nation’s most important historic buildings.
Experienced in community co-development and capital delivery, you will play a key role in creating new community enterprise and help unlock the potential that these special spaces hold.
Flexibility to travel extensively across England is essential, as is working regularly outside core hours.
You can find further information about the role, and the person specification in the job description.

To apply, please send your CV with contact details for 2 referees and a short supporting statement (max 2 sides A4) outlining how you fulfil the person specification for this post.
To submit your application, please click here.
You will be redirected to our HR Partner’s website where you will find further details on how to apply. Please note, you are not applying at this stage.
Closing date: 9am, Thursday 13 August 2020
Interviews: Thursday 20 August 2020
The Churches Conservation Trust is an equal opportunities employer
Registered charity number: 258612