Bats in Churches project: Specification for work
Specification for work:
Heritage Assessment of Significance and impact of bats on project churches involved in the Bats in Churches Project
The Bats in Churches partnership is seeking a heritage professional who can deliver the following by 31st October 2019:
- Produce a Statement of Significance and an assessment of the impact of bats on historic fabric for 20 buildings involved in the delivery phase of the project to inform mitigation measures to be implemented in years 2 and 3 of the delivery phase. This should include a scoring of churches to indicate the level of impact upon heritage. This appraisal will provide the context for the project plans that will be drawn up for each of the project churches and should be backed up by evidence of sources.
This is an exciting opportunity to be part of an innovative project driving forwards a novel partnership approach to provide help and support to places of worship where bats are having a negative impact on historic fabric and the use of the building.
To apply, please download and submit the Project Specification below to Rachel Arnold