Our Young Ambassadors are passionate young people aged 14-18 with big plans for Seventeen Nineteen! To make sure spring was full of inspiring events we asked for suggestions and are thrilled to bring their ideas to Sunderland families this Easter holiday!

One of our Young Ambassadors has been teaching us all about the meaning of 'kawaii'- all things cute, small and lovable. To try and capture some of the magic we're making kawaii jewellery using recycled beads and air drying clay. You'll leave the workshop with a badge, an elastic bracelet and necklace.

Easter Wreaths

Jake, Emily and Fox suggested we make Easter Wreaths.

We'll be showing you how to use traditional wicker weaving to make a wreath and decorate it with handmade, natural Easter decorations. Perfect to hang on your door or give as an Easter gift.

Decorate an Easter Egg

This workshops was suggested by Fox.

Our Young Ambassadors wanted us to bring the colours of spring to Holy Trinity with traditional egg decorating so we've learned all about the Ukranian tradition of pyansky. We'll handle the mess of dying and painting eggs while you have all the fun, you'll paint, decoupage and embellish your eggs using traditional tools and materials.

Make a Bird House

This workshop was suggested by Johnny.

Building a bird house takes a little bit of know-how and a lot of creativity. Join artist, Michael Emmott in a woodworking workshop all about creating a traditional birds' house from lightweight woods. Learn to join and sand wood using pre-cut pieces and decorate in your own unique style.

Creating with Rope

This workshop was suggested by Jessica

Sunderland's town moor used to be used as a rope walk, rope makers would use the common space to stretch and dry rope. This workshop will teach some simple knots to make keyrings and accessories.

Create a Diddly Bo

This workshop was designed by Ellie and Rachael

"We had so much fun learning to make instruments during February half term that we wanted to make something new. The Diddly Bo is sometimes called a 'jitterbug' or a zither and influenced the emergence of the blues. In this workshop you'll learn a little about pitch and tone while using simple woodworking tools to build your own guitar to take home."
We need more Young Ambassador's to help us make events that let young people get stuck in- we're bringing artists, historians and musicians in to help our young volunteers on the 27th of May

Can't make it? Tell us your ideas today



We need your help- we had a really great comment card to do something with drums- but drumming can be dangerous for little ears so we need help finding anyone who can help bring drums into Seveteen Nineteen safely. Get in touch if you can help!