From January we're looking at ways to celebrate historic materials and learn skills to repair and restore them while taking time to slow down, share stories and spend time peacefully making and mending.

From traditional skills like darning fabric to folk crafts like Japanese kintsugi there are opportunities to learn new skills and repair old objects in our historic nave.

We're also joined by Sunderland Maritime Heritage Trust to share their knowledge, skills and tools on Wednesday afternoons throughout the winter months:

  • 18 January, 1pm, Copper Roving demonstration and workshop. Taking a look at traditional boat building techniques and the tools involved.
  • 1 February, 1pm, Restored from the sea floor. Exploring fascinating objects from the sea bed that have been researched and restored from the smallest of scraps
  • 15 February, 1pm, Traditional tools. Do you have a mystery tool? Something you've had in the back of your tool chest and always wondered what it is? Bring it along for a chance to figure it out
  • 8 March, 1pm, Companion way. A close up investigation of the Wildora's companion way
  • 22 March, 1pm, Repurposing old objects. Investigate the objects Sunderland Maritime Heritage have designed and made in the restoration of Holy Trinity Church. 

If you're looking to care and repair using a different approach, you'd like to take part in our Silent Disco litter pick- featuring banging tunes, historical facts and an environmental clean-up of Old Sunderland. 

For little menders we have events over February half term making junk instruments, recycling fabrics in our weird weaving workshop, making seed bomb gnomes and crafting mobiles, picture frames and more by recycling supplies that would be left for landfill. 

We want to make sure everyone can take part in these activities, so we're trialing Pay as You Feel tickets- you can contribute £1 or £100 to the cost of the event. Let us know what would help you take part and we'll make next season even better.