We're thrilled to announce that artist Kerry Cook will be leading the first of two club workshops for stitchers wanting to develop skills in embroidery and textiles.

This club is the product of Emer Crangle, our hardworking front of house volunteer. Emer wants to see colour restored to the objects and stories of the church and has been keen for us to develop a new piece for our old alter.

The alter is used in the six services Sunderland Old Township Heritage Society coordinate a year, these services focus on heritage dates in the calendar and provide an opportunity for reflection and community remembrance. The rest of the year the lady chapel is retained as a space for quiet contemplation so any there are many challenges to creating a piece of usable art. 

To get involved either book your place or drop in on the 1st of February or 8th of February to work with Kerry, after that we'll meet every other Wednesday to finish off the design and continue making together.